World’s First COVID Safe Drive-Inside Theatre Venue Opens in Manchester

Creators of immersive musical theatre productions, Beyond Theatre, have created the world’s first Covid compliant drive inside theatre venue in Manchester.

As the global lockdown halted much of the theatre industry, the team at Beyond Theatre have put their talents to use by creating ‘Drive Inside’, a COVID compliant venue concept that will house live theatre and music.

One ofBeyond Theatre’s creators, Paul Levin, explained the concept: “Peoplelove live music, ballet, opera and theatre, butthey need to be completely confident that a venue isabsolutely, rather than probably,Covidsafe. This virus has affected the future of ourcreativeartsand we are excited that Driveinsidewill allow the industry to start getting back to some sort of normality and audiences to begin enjoying live performances again.”

With a raised stage in the centre of the Megatented venue, cars are directed to their dedicated space. Audiences may alight only on the driver’s side entering their own isolated area. Using folding chairs, which are readily available, audience members can leave their cars and soak up the atmosphere generated from a live show. There will always be a car between parties, and this gives disciplined compliance to social distancing. The sides of the Megatent are mainly unenclosed.

Thefirst Drive Inside venueis located in the centre ofManchester,and the company has plans to travel to London and Edinburgh.

To find out more please visit

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