Andrés Manuel López Obrador wins Mexican election on Sunday with more than 53% of the vote and Trump made a phone call on Monday spoke for about 30 minutes. Lopez, called the conversation “respectful.” Trump later tweeted his congratulations, saying, “I look very much forward to working with him.”
Lopez Obrador struck a more diplomatic tone, promising to “reach an understanding” with his northern counterpart in a half-hour conversation .
Just hours after his historic election victory sent thousands of supporters pouring on to the streets, the 64-year-old leftist tweeted that he had received a call from Donald Trump.
“I proposed that we explore an integral agreement of development projects, which generate jobs in Mexico and with that reduce migration and improve security. There was respectful treatment and our representatives will speak more.”
In an interview López Obrador emphasized the need for mutual respect and cooperation between the two neighbors.
“We are conscious of the need to maintain good relations with the United States. We have a border of more than 3,000 kilometers, more than 12 million Mexicans live in the United States. It is our main economic-commercial partner,” he said.
“We are not going to fight. We are always going to seek for there to be an agreement. … We are going to extend our frank hand to seek a relation of friendship, I repeat, of cooperation with the United States.”
Trump was equally tactful, telling reporters: “I think he’s going to try and help us with the border.
“I think the relationship will be a very good one,” the US president said of the Mexican politician, whose swearing-in will be in December. “We talked about trade, we talked about Nafta, we talked about a separate deal, just Mexico and the United States.”
>Juthy Saha