If you’re looking to use your lend your voice, time and money into supporting progressive organisations this Pride, here are some incredible Black-led organisations that you can support!
House of GG – Griffin-Gracey Educational Retreat and Historical Center
- “The brain-child of world-renowned Trans revolutionary Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, we are the first educational and historical centre solely dedicated to Transgender and gender-nonconforming people in the USA.”
- As a survivor of the historic Stonewall Riots in New York City in 1969, Miss Major helped to pioneer the TLGBQ liberation movement. She continues that work five decades later.
- Vitis: https://houseofgg.org/
The Trans Justice Funding Project – A community-led funding initiative supporting grassroots, trans justice groups run by and for trans people.
- “The Trans Justice Funding Project is a community-led funding initiative founded in 2012 to support grassroots, trans justice groups run by and for trans people. We make grants annually by bringing together a panel of six trans justice activists from around the country to carefully review every application we receive”
- Visit: https://www.transjusticefundingproject.org/
Youth Breakout – Working to end the criminalisation of LGBTQ youth in New Orleans to build a safer and more just community.
- “BreakOUT! envisions a city where transgender, gender non-conforming, and queer youth of colour can live without fear of harassment and discrimination.”
- “BreakOUT! seeks to end the criminalization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth to build a safer and more just New Orleans.”
- “Visit: http://www.youthbreakout.org/
SNaPCo – Working to build a Black Trans Futurist Framework for practical abolition as the way to liberation.
- “The solutions not punishment collaborative is a black trans and queer led collaborative that builds the power of our people to wage and win campaigns that force systematic divestment from the prison industrial complex and investment in the services and supports us. This mission is grounded in our commitment toward ending the mass crisis of passive genocide, incarceration, and criminalization of black trans women, trans/queer people and the larger black community.”
- Visit: https://www.snap4freedom.org/home
LGBTQ Freedom Fund – The Freedom Fund posts bond to secure the release and safety of LGBTQ people in jail and immigration detention.
- “Each day, tens of thousands of LGBTQ people are held in jail or immigration detention because they cannot afford bail—for immigration status or charges like sleeping in public. With your help, the Freedom Fund posts bail to secure their release and safety.”
- Visit: https://www.lgbtqfund.org/