Noam Chomsky, who has long been incredibly critical of Trump, has recently stated how Trump’s inaction regarding climate change and the current climate emergency makes him “the worst criminal in history, undeniably”
Talking to Jacobin magazine, Chomsky has said that Trump was a “tin-pot dictator” and that the Republican party were “worse than the old Communist Party”.
“There has never been a figure in political history who was so passionately dedicated to destroying the projects for organized human life on earth in the near future.”
Chomsky also discussed how America is currently dealing with the mixture of an ongoing global pandemic along with the current Black Lives Matter protests and the rising climate emergency: “People are focused now on the protests; the pandemic is serious enough that we will emerge from it at a terrible cost. The cost is greatly amplified by the gangster in the White House, who has killed tens of thousands of Americans, making this the worst place in the world [for the coronavirus]. We will emerge [from the pandemic, but] we’re not going to emerge from another crime that Trump has committed, the heating of the globe. The worst of it is coming — we’re not going to emerge from that.”
He added how Trump’s handling of the crisis is putting many peoples lives in danger, stating: “All around the world, countries are trying to do something about it. But there is one country which is led by a president who wants to escalate the crisis, to race toward the abyss, to maximize the use of fossil fuels, including the most dangerous of them, and to dismantle the regulatory apparatus that limits their impact. There is no crime like this in human history. Nothing. This is a unique individual. And it’s not as if he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Of course he does. It’s as if he doesn’t care. If he can pour more profits into his pockets and the pockets of his rich constituency tomorrow, who cares if the world disappears in a couple of generations?”
Discussing the role of democracy in the current climate, Chomsky said: “It’s a deep hatred of democracy and fear of democracy. That’s not unusual among the elites; they don’t like democracy for obvious reasons. But this is something special.”