Necessity or Luxury: Pink Tax on Feminine Hygiene Products

Blue and Pink are associated with gender socialisation as the sex-based colour blue refers ‘Boy” and pink refers “Girls’. It is a reality all over the world and in no country is there as an exception. When a baby is born the surrounded people first says ohh! it’s a boy or it’s a girl. The whole world society is functioning like this. Here we are focusing on the specific taxation that imposed on famine products and they had to pay more only because they are women. Yes, I am talking about the pink tax. Women are earning less and paying more in their struggle to live a healthy life. Most of the women are paying but not aware of it, Are you?
Luxury or Necessity
As women every month they need some hygiene products including sanitary napkins and tampons that are associated with their monthly period cycle. And it is surprising that these products are listed as luxury products but it is necessary to all women and to them, it’s not luxury. Women razors and shaving creams are also not in an exception although it has no differences from a men razor or shaving cream. It results in the women’s to pay more tax on their necessary products. Same case we can observe regarding the clothing. Women jeans are more costly than men’s jeans for example. It is estimated 42% more than men women are paying only because of the Pink tag.
What to do
Well, some companies like Boxed and Harry’s producing gender-neutral products at the cheapest price without compromising on quality. So the change has already begun and what we can do as women is going blue rather being choosing pink tagged products.
> Alma Siddiqua

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