Author: Vee Walker
In the year of the centenary of the First World War, when the world came together to remember the fallen, Major Tom’s War came as a heartfelt tribute to soldiers from across the Commonwealth who fought on the side of the British.
Major Tom’s War, published in November 2018, is Vee Walker’s first venture into fiction writing. By profession she is a curator, which really comes through in her writing. The World War I setting of this novel and the way people lived in that era are vivid and realistic.
But what really sticks out in this novel is how realistic the characters are and the sentiment with which Major Tom’s War has been written. The story is an incredibly moving novelisation of the lives of some of Walker’s relatives. Her closeness to the subject and characters of the narrative are truly what bring this wartime tale to life.
Major Tom’s War is a true tale of love in a time of war and how conflict affects the lives of everyone it touches.
> Naomi Round