The Marvel Cinematic Universe is developing limited series for Disney’s upcoming streaming service featuring ‘the God of Mischief’ Loki, along with Avenger Wanda Maximoff a.k.a. the Scarlet Witch and possibly some other superheroes.
A report says that, separate shows centered on Loki and Scarlet Witch are in development, with Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen likely to be reprising their role. Other shows will feature superheroes who have yet to be given their own standalone movies.
According to the report, “Each series is expected to include six to eight episodes. Marvel Studios will produce the shows and Kevin Feige, the guru of all things, is expected to take a hands-on role in their development.”
Disney is looking to expand their pop culture dominance with the launch of a streaming service of their own, and aren’t shying away from major content.
As it ramps up competition against Netflix, Disney is planning on making its upcoming ad-free service the only place to stream its movies as well as those from its subsidiaries Marvel, Pixar and Lucasfilm.
Apparently, the idea is to give the spotlight to MCU characters that have yet to – and presumably won’t – be the focus of their own standalone movies. The budgets for the shows weren’t revealed, but they are expected to be “hefty,” rivaling those of a major studio productions.
Loki, Thor’s brooding brother is the biological son of supervillain King Laufey of the Frost Giants in Jotunheim, but was raised in Asgard as Odin’s son, so we could start with that kettle of fish, so there’s scope to start some angsty shit all over the universe in eight episodes.
It’s unclear when the shows might be set in each character’s timeline, but the smart guess is the shows would be prequels the Infinity War but in any case, both will get a new life when the Disney streaming service launches.
> Shatabdi Sarker Poushi
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