HBO has ordered a pilot for a prequel to its much-loved fantasy show “Game of Thrones” after it’s last season which is set to end around next year.
George R.R. Martin wrote on his website earlier today that if he had to suggest a title for the pilot of Jane Goldman’s Game of Thrones prequel, it would be The Long Night. Goldman will write the script based on the pair’s storyline.
As Thrones prepares to wrap up its run with an eighth and final season in 2019, many fans have called for a series about Robert’s Rebellion, but Martin himself has quashed earlier rumors to that effect.
Though details about the project are currently scarce, it has been confirmed that the prequel will take place “thousands of years” before the events that unfold in Game Of Thrones.
The Hollywood Reporter says that “the project chronicles the world’s descent from the golden Age of Heroes into its darkest hour” which seems to hint at the legend of The Night’s King, the commander of the Night’s Watch whose dark reign ended the Age of Heroes.
“From the horrifying secrets of Westeros’ history to the true origin of the white walkers, the mysteries of the East to the Starks of legend … it’s not the story we think we know”, the report stated.
“There is not going to be anything in any scenario where we have any sort of prequel air for at least a year after that,” said Casey Bloys, HBO president of programming “I want the final season of ‘Game of Thrones’ to be the final season of ‘Game of Thrones’, I don’t want to use it to launch something else, I want it to stand as the finale of the greatest TV show of all time, I don’t want to do anything that infringes on that.”
> Shatabdi Sarker Poushi