Homelessness shouldn’t equal poor health.
Everyone has the right to good health. Healthy people contribute more to society and reduce the strain on the NHS. However, people who are homeless die 35 years younger than you and I. Common health issues including diabetes and respiratory diseases combined with a lack of safe, secure accommodation puts people experiencing homelessness at a much higher risk of COVID-19. To add to this, other health problems are likely to be going missed and untreated because of the pandemic – putting people in dangerous situations.
Together we can make sure this doesn’t happen.
Groundswell are here so people who are homeless can still get the healthcare and support they need to stay well. Our team, all who have escaped homelessness themselves, are making daily welfare calls to check on their health and well-being. Talking to someone whose been there creates a unique relationship. The calls are proving crucial during the pandemic, with services overwhelmed with demand, staff shortages and some even closing their doors.
“Doing welfare calls has made me aware that a lot of people are going without essentials like food, medications, benefits, gas and electric…not being able to go to day centres which normally help as they are closed”
We’re making a difference:
- delivering prescriptions
- arranging medical appointments
- signposting people to advice and support
- coordinating food provisions
- listening and having a friendly chat
Please donate, because being homeless shouldn’t equal poor health: https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/2256#!/DonationDetails#%2FDonationDetails