

When > 5-6 Jul
Where > Fairfield Farm, Denbury
What > Glas-Denbury is a unique family-friendly Devon event that brings together people of all ages to appreciate music, entertainment, and idyllic surroundings. A truly happy event, one of the friendliest one will ever find, with a wonderful atmosphere – “A little piece of Sunshine”
Multi award winning Glas-Denbury is totally independant and has been built purely on love, goodwill and a passion for creating something wonderful for the local and wider community to enjoy. It is directed by Emma, a Mum of 5, assisted by a team of amazing people; Mums, Dads, students, Grandparents, young people.
Who > Haunt the Woods, Holly Morwenna, James Montague, Jess McAllister, Kindred, Matt Vinyl, Mr B the Gentleman Rhymer, and more.
Entry > £5- £75
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