The 25th Conference of Parties (COP25), a critical meeting on the climate crisis, has begun at IFEMA in Feria de Madrid, Spain.
More than 50 high-ranking authorities, including heads of state, with representatives from 200 countries are expected to attend the conference taking place from 2 – 13 December.
Renowned climate activists including teenage Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg will also join in parallel events.
The total cost of COP25 is estimated to be around 50 million euros ($55m), which is 10 million euros ($11m) less than anticipated, Spain’s Minister for Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, said.
Finalisation of the “rulebook” for the 2015 Paris Climate Treaty, will be a key issue at this year’s conference.
Last year, negotiations between different nations over the rulebook for climate change could not reach a solution, and this year’s conference hopes to solve that issue.
Javier Andaluz Prieto, a representative for climate and energy of the Ecologistas en Accion movement, said: “Last-minute obstacles have been the norm at several previous COPs. It would be unusual if this one was any different.”
He also added: “The confirmation that we’ve exceeded the records for CO2 levels in the atmosphere indicates that the measures governments are currently taking are not sufficient.”
Mataran Ruiz, of the Granada Center, said: “Meetings like the COP25 should take place, no matter how much energy they themselves use.
“They put climate change on to the media’s agenda, they push governments to take measures, and they act as a loudspeaker to warn us about what’s happening.”
The United States which is one of the biggest producers of CO2 already gave a formal notice that they would be withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, but is joining in with this year’s conference.
Last Monday, a World Meteorological Organization report indicated that greenhouse gas concentrations rose again in 2018, with carbon dioxide levels hitting 407.8 parts per million, a new record in human history.
> Dipto Paul