In our daily life, we create different garbage. Different plastic bottles, kitchen tools or empty cans are the things we throw them at the moment when we overuse them. Sometimes if we put the finger on our heads and think a little more, then we can realize that we can give those items a second life by a simple operation. Here are 5 creative ideas with daily waste.
Decorating with Wine bottles
Rather than tossing your empty vino vessels after you’ve enjoyed your favourite red or white, turn them into art. Whether used as an inventive candle holder or easy one-and-done flower vase, wine bottle centrepieces can instantly upgrade any table for any occasion.
Homemade toys
Homemade toys from recycled plastic bottles can be your Childs favourite one. They are very easy to make. The entire family can work together and kids will have fun creating and playing with these lovely toys.
Bottle Cap Mosaic
If you want a gorgeous and eco-friendly piece of mosaic art for your walls, start gathering plastic bottle caps. If you don’t have enough, collect from friends and neighbours. You don’t need to bottle up your artistic talent – open it up with this bottle cap mosaic, an environmentally-friendly craft project you will love doing.
Jar Bank
Not only this simple idea helps the environment but also ornaments your home. recycle a plastic bottle and make an adorable bank also encourages kids to start saving and recycling from a young age. Just cut the bottle appropriately and then have fun creating super cute designs that will look great on your shelves too.
Hanging Garden
Vertical gardens are a great solution to many challenges within urban spaces and recycling plastic bottles. Any number of bottles can be strung together and hung against a wall, a fence or a railing to create a garden. Just need to remember that have to choose plastic bottles that are fairly thick and durable, such as soft drink bottles, rather than thin water bottles, which may tear under the weight of soil, plants and water.
> Alma Siddiqua